Starting Your Fitness Retirement Plan at 30
Greetings Athlete!
There are many great analogies as to why you should start exercising regularly when you are young; Maintaining your car so that it lasts longer, updating your computer to prevent it from crashing or downloading the latest version of an app so that it runs correctly. Why do we think our bodies are different? If we don’t take care of our bodies when we are younger is it any surprise that we begin to see health issues starting in our forties? This is not a scare tactic, this is reality. Check out these statistics: CDC, Healthgrades and eTactics. There are lots of excuses for not starting a fitness program now. Read on to see what they are?
Here are the top reasons for not exercising or eating right:
I don’t have time (Mostly for those in their 30s and 40s)
We are all busy. But how much time does it really take to start a fitness program?
- 10 minutes of walking per day
- 10 minutes of stretching per day
- 20 minutes of some aerobic activity – 3x per week
- 20 minutes of resistance training – 3x per week
If you do the math – that’s about 30 minutes per day. Obviously more would better, but could you not spare 30 minutes a day to start on your fitness journey? If you just maintain your health until you get your time back once your kids are grown, you will at least have a good baseline.
I’ll wait until the kids are grown
This is different from I don’t have time. This is a conscience decision to not exercise, until later. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity do not have an On/Off switch. You don’t just wake up one day and “have it”. No. It is a slow process that starts when you are younger and accumulates until the symptoms appear. Once the symptoms appear, it will take years to reverse these if it’s even possible. If you want to enjoy your grandkids, you need to start taking better care of yourself when your kids are young.
I don’t have the energy
I get it. Life is busy. However, exercising will improve your energy levels once you get started. You will sleep better, feel better and perform better. Check out what WebMD has to say about the benefits of fitness.
There are other reasons for not starting now. I don’t have the money, I don’t have the willpower, I don’t have the support. These, like the reasons above, are just excuses.
I think the real reason for not starting, is either ignorance, or, a belief that you are not Built For More.
Trust me. Starting a fitness program when you are younger is the smart move. But you have to believe.. that you are Built For More!
Contact Me for a free consultation on how we can overcome your barriers.
All the best!
All the time!