Potential Pitfalls for Intermittent Fasting

You want to lose weight and you’ve heard about Intermittent Fasting (IF) and how it has helped others lose weight. Should you try IF? Well, let’s look at what we know and delve a little deeper. I do want to call out that I am not a physician or registered dietitian, but I want to offer you perspective and things to consider. As always, if you are under the care of a health care provider, please follow their advice or talk to them first before trying something new.

Intermittent Fasting – What is it?

Basically – IF just means fasting intermittently (duh). There are many different variations for IF such as eating only from 8am – 5pm (9 hours) and then fasting from 5pm – 8am (15 hours) or the 5:2 IF where you eat whatever you want for 5 days and then limit your calories on the other 2 days to somewhere between 400 to 600 calories.

Intermittent Fasting – Does it work?

This is an interesting question because it’s oversimplified. Studies have shown that for the most part, IF will help you lose weight. There are a lot of articles and studies out there but these three by Harvard Health provide a good synopsis.

So – it appears that IF will help you lose weight – but – does that mean you should do it and what are the possible pitfalls.

Intermittent Fasting – Possible Pitfalls

First Consideration – What are you eating?

If you get on an IF routine but don’t watch what you eat, you can potentially harm your body. For example, if you’re fasting for 2 days to justify eating carbs, meat and sugar, you’re putting yourself at risk for heart disease and diabetes. I have had several people tell me they fast 2 days during the week so they can party on the weekends. So IF in this case may help you keep your weight down, but it may not be best for your overall health if you’re drinking tons of alcohol and eating a ton of rich foods over the weekend. What makes sense to me, is to try to eat healthy (Mediterranean as an example) along with the IF to improve your overall health.

Second Consideration – What are your Macros?

If your goal is to lose weight, then eating the right combination of foods will also help you burn more calories during your non-fasting days. Macros is short for the amount of Protein, Fat and Carbs/Sugars that you eat. The combination of these will definitely impact your health, weight and muscle mass growth. Follow this link to find out what your macros should be for your weight loss goals. A good reason to try to eat the correct types of foods is that eating protein will burn more carbs then eating fats or carbs. If you have more protein, you will also lose more weight.

Third Consideration – Overall Fitness and Health

While IF may help you lose weight, it is just the start of the journey. In addition to IF, you should be following the CDC guidelines for exercise. You also need to consider what other goals you have. As an example, studies have shown that building muscle mass AND decreasing your fat percentage will increase how many calories your body burns on a day to day basis. If you are serious about losing weight, you should also get on a fitness program to increase your muscle mass AND improve your overall health by exercising three times a week.

Fourth Consideration – Adherence

The last point I’d like to bring up is adherence. How long can you keep up IF? As a short-term routine to help you lose some weight it may make sense for you. However, it may make more sense to change your lifestyle to just eating healthier with better portion controls, than starting Intermittent Fasting.


  • Eat healthy (Mediterranean as an example) along with the IF to improve your overall health
  • If your goal is to lose weight, then eating the right combination of foods will also help you burn more calories during your non-fasting days.
  • Following the CDC guidelines for exercise
  • Improve your Muscle Mass
  • Follow your Macros

Lastly – ensure you seek the advice of your physician or health care professional before starting an IF diet.

Remember – you are built for more!