Longevity – How to Maintain Your Body to Live the Life You Want After 40
If you’re thinking about Longevity and Wellness you’re not alone. How do you maintain your body to live the life you want after 40? Yes, if you are over 40 you should be thinking about these things. As a Certified Trainer, I have worked with quite a few people over the past year who are between the ages of 55 and 85. My experiences have prompted me to write a short series of articles on Longevity and Wellness. Why? Because many of my clients are facing obstacles that could have been prevented if someone had told them how to prepare their bodies for the years ahead.
I am 65 years old and am blessed as I have been told that I look like I’m in my 40s and am in great shape for my age. I workout several times a week, lifting almost as much as I did 20 years ago, can still run and jump and get on the floor with my grandkids. However, I face the same obstacles or challenges that many of my clients face! I have aches and pains. I have high cholesterol (thanks to my genetics). I HAD borderline elevated blood pressure. I have back issues and hand issues. However – I am far better off than most people my age and hope to continue that into my 70s and 80s! I want to pass on my knowledge and experiences so that you can have the life you want as you age too!
Why Longevity
As I look at the general population, most people don’t take longevity and wellness seriously, until it’s too late. I have witnessed this first hand by working with my clients or observing others at the gym. Once you lose the ability to do something, it is hard to get it back. The truth is, that longevity and wellness starts long before 65. I would like to say it starts in your 20s but let’s just be conservative and pick 40 as the number. Why 40? By the time you are 40, your body has more or less succumbed to sitting at work (a sedentary lifestyle), eating an unhealthy diet, a lack of exercise and an inordinate amount of stress. If you don’t start correcting it NOW, I can almost write your future health journey based on statistics, and it would not be a pretty sight. Many of you (statistically!) are heading towards High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Hip or Knee replacements, Back Pain, Shoulder Pain and Arthritis! All very problematic things…. that may possibly be avoided if you take better care of yourself now!
The Longevity Program
I have been reading extensively lately about this topic and realize that I am not an expert. I can recommend a few things that I found interesting. The first is a series called Limitless on Disney+ starring Chris Hemsworth and the second is a book by Peter Attia called Outlive.
Over the next month, I am going to cover what I think will give you the best odds of achieving longevity and living a long and healthy life. Although I am not an “expert” in this field, I want to pass on what I know as a Certified Trainer and Nutrition Coach. I also understand that there are no guarantees, but let’s try to put the odds on our side. Here are some of the things you can look forward to:
- Longevity Mindset
- Weight Management
- Exercise Program
- Dealing with pain in the gym
- Muscle Imbalances
- Stretching
- Stress
- Nutrition
Remember – You are Built For More!