If Cauliflower Can Become Pizza… You Can Do Anything
Can you imagine what a wonderful world we would live in, if everyone believed they were Built For More. There are two things I want you to ask yourself:
- Do you believe you were Built For More?
- What would happen to our crime rate, if everyone believed they were Built For More?
Do You Believe You Were Built For More?
If you don’t believe you are built for more, how can you ever become more? We focus on fitness at Built For More, but results start from a core belief that you are something special. I believe, that if you are reading this, regardless of your age, sex or physical attributes, that you are built for more. That you were created for something special and that the only thing holding you back… is you. In the case of fitness, if you put the hard work in, you will see results. I truly believe that. I also believe that most of us have been told at one time or another, that we were “less than”. We are here to help you overcome that, and achieve your fitness goals.
What If Everyone Believed They Were Built For More?
I am deeply concerned about the rise of violence and crimes in both our country and the world. I thought to myself, why do mass shootings occur and why is suicide a problem among our teens? I think part of the answer is that no one told them that they were built for more. If we can help others believe that they were built for more, how many tragedies can we stop? How many lives can we save? What a better community we would live in.
This is my first post from Built For More and I want you to not only be encouraged, but we need to start spreading the word.
Be kind. Tell someone else you care for them. Spread the word, we were built for more,
All the best!
All the time!