Number One Obstacle To Getting Fit – It’s not what you think…
Greetings Future Athlete!
What is the number one obstacle to getting fit? There are the usual culprits. Time, Discipline, Money. Check out what the Center for Disease Control has to say on this subject. My perspective is the number one obstacle to getting fit is…. you. I know that may sound harsh, but it’s true. There are those who choose to try to get fit, and those that don’t. You may be saying… “But John… you don’t understand, I…..” I do understand. I understand that life can be tough. I understand you may have things you’re dealing with. I understand that life is busy. I understand. However, you have a choice.
I love Star Wars. My favorite scene of all time comes from The Empire Strikes Back when Luke can’t lift his X-Wing out of the swamp. Yoda’s response. “Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try!” This is followed up with a conversation where Yoda tells Luke he fails, because he doesn’t believe.
So… Are you built for more? The answer is yes! The real question is, do you believe that you can be fit and find the time to do it?
No more excuses.
You are Built For More,